found the above link and with the python code I found I'm sure I could write a C program to generate APRS packets.
As a start make a wav file and play it on a PC.
I'm well versed in writting code for gcc/mingw compilers, could set up a google code site.
and then transfer to a micro?
As it don't look over complicated,
I think it can be accomplished. My biggest problem with my Python code was figuring out how the Bell 202, AX.25, and APRS specs are actually implemented. I found a lot of incorrect information and had to use trial and error to successfully create the packets.
ReplyDeleteIf you start an open project, let me know. I'd love to help, or at least take a look.
got one project
Deleterunning for python for android stuff, may start another if I can work out FCS functions?