
Monday, January 7, 2013

PIC-et radio?

found the above link and with the python code I found I'm sure I could write a  C program to generate APRS packets.
As a start make a wav file and play it on a PC.
I'm well versed in writting code for gcc/mingw compilers, could set up a google code site.
and then transfer to a micro?
As it don't look over complicated,

Sunday, January 6, 2013

APRS on android almost?

I found this
An APRS generator written entiarly in python, YEPPY.
hold on  PL4A does not have pyaudio or numpy :0(
but it does have wave, I wonder if I could convert the code to generate a wav file and then send it.
wonder if any one has done simulare in C for Mingw on PC.

PL4A has access to GPS so it could auto update position.