
Friday, December 7, 2012

FITSAT morse in the sky posted this on twitter. the morse bit is cool but it has an onboard camera with shots like these.

being transmitted on a 5.84GHz link real satelite TV 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Blogway test

Seen this android app and giving a go.

Slow to type on a phone but ok for quick posts

Thursday, October 18, 2012

CB or not CB

I've dugg out my old scanner ( bought to moitor bands I didn't have rigs for) and was looking up the current state of play in UK of what you can and can't listen to it comes down to
  1. Broadcast
  2. Ham Radio
  3. CB (big change from the old days
  4. and an odd one navigationl broadcasts?
dose PMR446 come under CB?
and is there anything on CB 27Mhz as from investigation look like it's 80channel ( old UK 40 + EU 40)?
no licence great but set up scanner with best I can UK 40 is an odd offset.
not a sausage!
got some distant under the squelch on 10FM nothing I could make out. SSB-10M was better.
CB nothing.
if anyone is using CB let me know, it would be nice after all though people protested to get it in the 70s and 80s.
is PMR446 the new CB?
and can you listen to it to find out?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Little people invading?

Little people invading?

Seen a lot of radio stuff with 433Mhz written on it recently. I have a clock with temperature display and a remote transducer with the said mark. So I got my uv-3r out and had a scan around and found it’s burp on 433.920Mhz but if I go up 5khz and open squelch I get an almost constant stream of chirps and burps. Further investigation found ,  and Low and behold my car keys give out a buzz near there.
As well as that we have doing some cool stuff on 434.075Mhz, They have their own protocol looks simpler than APRS and works ok, this is the sort of thing we could all be doing if not for section 9(3)
9(3) Without prejudice to Clause 1 of this Licence, the Licensee shall not establish or use the Radio Equipment in any Aircraft or other Airborne Vehicle.
We could make use of this simpler protocol on HF? For direction finding as that is the only way we can beacon other than 144.800Mhz without NOV (notice of variation)
I also noticed we were turfed out of parts of 70cm for the Olympics. 70cm is a nice big band in a prime part of the spectrum and we have it on a secondary basis, if we don’t use it others have the right to do so.
If you a Foundation Licence see table A in the licence, it’s your highest and biggest apart from 10Ghz. So cherish it.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Balloons in uk?
they are using a FSK signal on licence free 434.075Mhz in 70cm Amateur radio band, but you can't put an Amateur transmitter in one. not sure why we are limited in this way?

could you hang a becone or video transmitter under a tethered baloon or kite as states
  • Video: 2.400 – 2.4835 GHz 10 mW EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power) 20 MHz Bandwidth
  • can be used?
    lots of cool stuff and you can view live on google maps at

    Thursday, July 19, 2012


    I design PCB's for a living but I still like to learn, check out this site-
    as people always ask how you start.
    15years in electronics in my case.

    Thursday, July 12, 2012

    Where should I get on……?

    This is a big question for Radio Ham’s looking at a new band or home. Being new to HF TX short wave listening I’m an old hand at but that was at a different QTH. I looked on the web to help me with this question. I discovered , I think was written originally as a tool for VOA (Voice Of America) a broadcast station. But this online tool can give you some idea of your HF coverage although the map is a little small. Give it a go it’s free.
    Going for a more detailed option there is an online version of the radio mobile package by ve2dbe see here . For the online version you will need a login and a good read of the documentation but it can give you an idea of good portable sites and links to your best buddy at the radio club.
    Got a screen shot of the 2M range from my favourite site Billy in Llantrisant.

    Thursday, June 28, 2012

    Wednesday, June 27, 2012
    had to post when I found and you can follow real time on the map.
    a balloon on a mission.
    build your own from

    Thursday, June 7, 2012

    UV-3R trick!

    If you want to use it as a scanner and are worried you may touch the TX button on a frequency you are not licenced for. The trick is to set the repeater shift to 39.99Mhz on vhf or 69.99Mhz on uhf and the software will stop you transmitting outside the band.( 136-174 MHz and 400-470 MHz)
    Also the volume button opens the squelch if you hold it down. Seen this one here
    they sell them at not where I got mine, so can’t vouch for them.
    seen some very brightly coloured ones on e-bay as well.
    by the way I set this up on the VFO's for UHF and VHF and got in a real knot when I had to QSY from my stored repeater channel.

    Thursday, May 24, 2012

    spot of DIY

    one of those things we all need now and again.
    knowing the principals full well from my days in a radio job, so I had a go.
    work you know but with one error swap names of FWR and REV meeasure port.
    to this:
    With matched terminations on the output ports,
    1. A portion of the wave traveling from port 1 (input) to port 4 (output) is
    coupled to port 3 (forward coupled), but not to port 2.
    2. A portion of the reflected wave traveling from port 4 to port 1 is coupled
    to port 2, but not port 3.
    3. A portion of the wave incident on port 2 to port 3 is coupled to port 4, but
    not port 1; and a portion of the wave incident on port 3 is coupled to port 1, but not
    port 4.
    thought I had a total miss-match with 50R load but did a few tests and googleing and got it right.

    The reflected voltage is r times the incident voltage.  Since power is proportional to the square of the voltage, the reflected power, Prefl is (5/7)2 x 4 W = 2.04 W
    and the power to the antenna = 4 W  - Prefl = 1.96 W
    when I work out how to add gerber plot files I will
    and a picture of my work.

    Wednesday, May 9, 2012

    how to get your own QrCode badge.
    use and copy paste away

    Bob's your aunties cat??
    works with Zebra apps J2ME
    see more at
    graphs charts so on.

    Friday, May 4, 2012

    twitter call cq

    a bit of code I've run up baseed on twitter search api. If you put #callcq tag in your post it will show up here by javascript magic. working on a map if you add geo coding data postcode, gps, QTH etc....
    got the idea from

    I've stuck my first example on extra page on this site. but this is the main working. it wont run in a post.

    <div id="results">
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var url='';
    var query='%23callcq';;
          $("#results").append('<p><img src="'+tweet.profile_image_url+'" widt="48" height="48" />'+tweet.text+'</p>');


    Wednesday, May 2, 2012

    it's the spots

    acrding to this
    more spots higher the band you can use?


    stil no muf(Mhz) = SUNspot*K

    Tuesday, May 1, 2012

    Gadget wigets continued

    Why are not all Gadget widgets the same of HF predictions?

    don't always show same traffic lights colors.
    badge one has an explanation at
    that I'm trying to understand. but does not have any explanation I can find.
    I'm going to compare them to what I hear on my trusty Sony portable and let you know which is more accurate.

    CQ MAP?

    Any one know how I could write a Gadgets, widgets or javascript to search twitter for #callingCQ and show anyones tweets with this tag. eventualy it could go on a map like or had a look at their code but not sure about it can't get to bottom of it.

    I suppose I could e-mail them?

    Friday, April 27, 2012


    I'm collecting together a pile of radio data widgets/gadgets on my site.
    see example, I'm also working on gadget wrapper for some of the more awkward ones to go on google sits.
    I you see any I may be interested in drop me a line.

    Wednesday, April 11, 2012

    The UV-3R is a very interesting beasty.

    The UV-3R is a very interesting beasty. Can cover 136-174Mhz and 400-470Mhz, up to 99 set channels and a vast array of tone and repeater option. weighing in at 130g and fitting in the smallest pocket, cool ha!
    See I like it and take it everywhere with me but why is the user interface designed by a mad man? Here are a few examples:
    1/ You have to press a very sticky button to adjust volume or switch it off with a loud beep if you need it quiet.
    2/ Setting up a memory channel is so difficult that you could not work it out without the manual which is a little obscure itself.  There is a yahoo group that is and exalt help.
    3/ Once you have your 99 memories set you have to remember what they are. 2M I know well so not to bad but 70cm has got me confused on a number of occasions. Not really the rigs fault all together the band plan is a bit odd any way. A name label would be good.
    4/ Scanning needs two key presses and it’s all memories or the whole band UHF/VHF.
    5/ Antenna you need to swap it for each band and a nice screw fitting.
    The last is more of a hardware problem along with the head phone connector that sends it into transmit if you put normal headphones in. it also locks it transmit if you use the one supplied, see ferrite mod on my picture.
    With this taken it’s pretty good for its price range does two bands and gives good reports on the air.
    Anyone think they’ll do D-star or a 6M rig??

    Tuesday, April 10, 2012

    something you should read if you're into Antennas
    it's about LF but very enlightening about all antenna design.
    such as  loading coils and their calculation
    A good read in my book


    Anyone got one of these?

    Thursday, March 15, 2012

    Radio stuff is going here.

    I have a general blog but it is getting messy so why not?
    it costs nothing?